Political warning

As I watch the news I find myself devastated to see the political climate of today. Differences between the Political parties are good, it give the electorate an opportunity to see where our candidates want to take the country.  Today, we find rhetoric which has nothing to do with the conditions of our country.  Trump is able to spew hate, racism, and incendiary lies which is taking the election into a place that can cause devastating damage to this country.

Trump’s run for President, I believe was a result of believing that if a Black man could become President, surely he could do it.  It doesn’t matter that he’s unqualified and has nothing of value to offer, he’s allegedly wealthy, Male and White.  I’m concerned because we have seen historically devastating behavior, i.e., Slavery, Holocaust, Lynchings, etc. as a result of hate and bigotry.   Unfortunately, it has too often been Conservatives feeling others are trying to take their way of life away.  It’s interesting that these same people, never look at those in power.  Over the last eight years an elected House and Senate decided nothing  President Obama requested would be passed.  These wealthy men, elected by their constituents were allowed to sit on their behinds for eight years blocking everything.  In spite of this game by the Republicans, our employment levels increased and overall the country improved economically.  Yet, in terms of infrastructure and new job creations, the Republicans chose to sit on their hands, determined not to help the Obama presidency.

It’s obvious, as a country we’re in for another dark period of history.  Unless, good and responsible men in positions of authority speak up, we’ll see the Trump train take this country down.  AMERICA, we’ve been here before.  Do you really want to encourage hate among the people of America?

Last, but not least I want to focus on the insidious war among Blue Lives Matters and Black Lives Matters.  Police Officers are hired, trained and directed to become Public Safety Officers.  Their primary goal is to uphold the safety and protection of the community to which they work.  A Police Officer has a job and is compensated by the citizenry who pays their salary.  Their is no discount given to people by race, gender, etc. on taxes contributed to public safety.  The authority to confront and question law-abiding citizens based on the color of their skin, is not a prerequisite of good policing.  Citizens have rights and working together, Police Officers receive the respect and support of the citizens.  Police Officers are no more important than our Doctors who save lives; Teachers who teach our young; Firemen who protect; and others serving the community.  Police Officers are Public servants and when they become greater than the rest of the working community,   an imbalance occurs. I grew up respecting Police Officers, that respect was based on seeing them walking in our communities; speaking and establishing themselves as people who respected and protected the communities.  There was no fear associated with a police officer.  Today, Police Officers have become above the citizens and above the law, again, their is an imbalance.  Having said why I think Blue Lives Matter as a slogan is ludicrous, understand all lives matter and Police Officers when protecting the community correctly, have the love and respect of the community.  Good Police Officers who are killed or hurt in the line of work are mourned and felt by all people regardless of race, ethnicity or gender.

Black Lives Matters is a proclamation based on countless deaths by Police Officers under questionable circumstances.  Unlike, other racial groups who commit the same crimes, Black men and women have too often died at the hands of Police Officers.  These lives matter as much as any other group in the community, yet, the rate of killings are far greater.  When the deaths continue to mount and no major changes occur, yes, it becomes important to say it loud, “BLACK LIVES MATTER.”  I would advocate that proclamations, and marches aren’t as productive as economic boycotts.  If those who agree that “Black Lives Matter,” want to change these dynamics.  We need to come together and the first Monday of each month, those in agreement refuse to shop for anything.  Only through the loss of money will people be heard.  For that day shop for nothing, gas, carry-outs, clothes, shoes, etc., only then will the concerns of the people be heard. If you agree, ask your leaders to establish a platform which encourages a monthly boycott on shopping until this issue has been addressed.

Consuella Harris, Author

The Surrogates


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