Why is America immune to the pain of African-Americans?

America, imagine in 2017 your husband or son being killed with their hands up, stopped because of their race, shot multiple times, only to be found innocent of any crime; and living each day knowing the color of your skin puts a target on your back everyday of your life.

What would you do?  Your community outraged by the injustice and pain march in protest and ultimately end up with men and women being arrested for their protests.  They speak out and no one hears or cares.  The chances of being incarcerated for the same crimes as their White counter-parts are dramatically different.  Incarceration has become a booming business in which employment opportunities are increasing through the growing detention center and prison business.

A young man, a football player,  with a promising career and a substantial salary opportunity, opts to speak out.  He chooses to be non-violent and kneels.  The choice of kneeling at the raising of the flag and singing  of the national anthem is so symbolic.  He is a free man who lived all his life pledging allegiance to the flag and internalizing that he is an American and free.  That Flag symbolizes his rights and freedom.  By kneeling he hopes to draw attention, that something is very wrong and is not in agreement with all that the Flag symbolizes.  He hopes to draw attention, to the injustice, not for himself but for all the men and women and families who have been affected by innocent Americans killed without provocation, by Public Servants.  In his silence he’s trying to bring attention to a travesty within our criminal justice system, where a small segment of that system acts in a lawless manner without fear of any penalty.  Without checks and balances, what starts out as a small segment, gives license to others to behave accordingly.  This is why he quietly protest, this injustice is not being addressed.

While, no one cares why this young man sacrificed so much for others, he’s now being called ugly names, ridiculed and ostracized.  Yet, no one in leadership wants to find out why, so, with little introspection, our national leadership has found the answer, he disrespects the Flag!!

The Flag is America’s way of honoring the men and women who fought for this country, a free America for all its citizens.  The right to voice an opinion, kneel or stand in recognition of the rights of America.  Is the flag, cloth symbolizing America, more relevant than the loss of American lives based on the color of their skin?

This young man is a hero, he is forfeiting man’s pieces of silver for the freedom of his fellow man.  His life is precious to many and all he ask is “America don’t let men die  without any redress.  Change is needed, there is something very wrong permeating our country, which allows us to be blind to injustice.”

I’ve known and worked with Police, and found them to be honorable and hard-working family men.  There was a climate within the organization of fairness, service and treating citizens in a manner consistent with the beliefs of the organization and it’s leaders.  The reason these men were honorable was because of the City leader, Chief and policies and procedures, good training, fair pay and respect of the organization and the citizens.  This was my experience, however, all Police don’t have good leadership which holds them accountable.

Instead of listening to people who want to separate citizens from one another, become empathetic and compassionate and acknowledge that this one man is speaking to all of us.  It may be hard when the President of the United States sees only Black men kneeling in front of the flag and the National Anthem.  Using profanity that is inexcusable for the leader of America to express his outrage at such disrespect to the flag, yet, not once does that leader respond to the issue that precipitated the kneeling.  Don’t be confused, America cannot afford to be so blind.  We need to demand that our leaders address the issue, “why are African-American families losing family members to deadly force at a greater number than any other population, without provocation?”  The issue is not the flag, it’s an attempt to gain attention on a matter of life and death.

Political warning

As I watch the news I find myself devastated to see the political climate of today. Differences between the Political parties are good, it give the electorate an opportunity to see where our candidates want to take the country.  Today, we find rhetoric which has nothing to do with the conditions of our country.  Trump is able to spew hate, racism, and incendiary lies which is taking the election into a place that can cause devastating damage to this country.

Trump’s run for President, I believe was a result of believing that if a Black man could become President, surely he could do it.  It doesn’t matter that he’s unqualified and has nothing of value to offer, he’s allegedly wealthy, Male and White.  I’m concerned because we have seen historically devastating behavior, i.e., Slavery, Holocaust, Lynchings, etc. as a result of hate and bigotry.   Unfortunately, it has too often been Conservatives feeling others are trying to take their way of life away.  It’s interesting that these same people, never look at those in power.  Over the last eight years an elected House and Senate decided nothing  President Obama requested would be passed.  These wealthy men, elected by their constituents were allowed to sit on their behinds for eight years blocking everything.  In spite of this game by the Republicans, our employment levels increased and overall the country improved economically.  Yet, in terms of infrastructure and new job creations, the Republicans chose to sit on their hands, determined not to help the Obama presidency.

It’s obvious, as a country we’re in for another dark period of history.  Unless, good and responsible men in positions of authority speak up, we’ll see the Trump train take this country down.  AMERICA, we’ve been here before.  Do you really want to encourage hate among the people of America?

Last, but not least I want to focus on the insidious war among Blue Lives Matters and Black Lives Matters.  Police Officers are hired, trained and directed to become Public Safety Officers.  Their primary goal is to uphold the safety and protection of the community to which they work.  A Police Officer has a job and is compensated by the citizenry who pays their salary.  Their is no discount given to people by race, gender, etc. on taxes contributed to public safety.  The authority to confront and question law-abiding citizens based on the color of their skin, is not a prerequisite of good policing.  Citizens have rights and working together, Police Officers receive the respect and support of the citizens.  Police Officers are no more important than our Doctors who save lives; Teachers who teach our young; Firemen who protect; and others serving the community.  Police Officers are Public servants and when they become greater than the rest of the working community,   an imbalance occurs. I grew up respecting Police Officers, that respect was based on seeing them walking in our communities; speaking and establishing themselves as people who respected and protected the communities.  There was no fear associated with a police officer.  Today, Police Officers have become above the citizens and above the law, again, their is an imbalance.  Having said why I think Blue Lives Matter as a slogan is ludicrous, understand all lives matter and Police Officers when protecting the community correctly, have the love and respect of the community.  Good Police Officers who are killed or hurt in the line of work are mourned and felt by all people regardless of race, ethnicity or gender.

Black Lives Matters is a proclamation based on countless deaths by Police Officers under questionable circumstances.  Unlike, other racial groups who commit the same crimes, Black men and women have too often died at the hands of Police Officers.  These lives matter as much as any other group in the community, yet, the rate of killings are far greater.  When the deaths continue to mount and no major changes occur, yes, it becomes important to say it loud, “BLACK LIVES MATTER.”  I would advocate that proclamations, and marches aren’t as productive as economic boycotts.  If those who agree that “Black Lives Matter,” want to change these dynamics.  We need to come together and the first Monday of each month, those in agreement refuse to shop for anything.  Only through the loss of money will people be heard.  For that day shop for nothing, gas, carry-outs, clothes, shoes, etc., only then will the concerns of the people be heard. If you agree, ask your leaders to establish a platform which encourages a monthly boycott on shopping until this issue has been addressed.

Consuella Harris, Author

The Surrogates


One aspect of social change

In recent years, we’ve seen many social changes, good and bad.  Transgender, same gender marriages, etc., are becoming the norm.  Another acceptable norm is surrogacy as an alternative for bearing children.  As an observer with a strong inclination to write about what is happening around me, I decided to write a book about Surrogate mothers.  My goal was to write a story from the perspective of the parents who desperately want to have a baby; the Surrogates who have altruistic and financial motives for wanting to provide the most significant gift; the movers and shakers who establish the business of surrogacy; and last but not least the five children borne by the three surrogate mothers; and later discover the truth about their real mothers. Inevitably, for every good intention there is often a negative consequence and in this story there is a double murder with everyone involved becoming potential suspects.

I would love to hear your comments on the book, The Surrogates by Consuella Harris.  It’s available on amazon.com/author/consuellaharris Reviews are available on Amazon.

A Writer’s World

To be a writer, one must be cognizant and moved by the world around them.  I personally know no one who personally have been involved in Surrogate parenting.  However, in 1980 I saw an interview of a woman planning to hire a Surrogate mother.  The subject intrigued me, immediately my mind began to play, “what if?”  We know that adoptions which have been around forever sometimes result in unforeseen complications, I felt surrogacy could open up even more.

In 2014, we have Sherri Shepherd and her husband contracting for a Surrogate Mother.  The Surrogate in spite of a executed contract, ultimately becomes embroiled in the well-being of the child.  Sherri and her husband divorce and the wife abandons the newborn.  Subsequently, the Surrogate is required to sign the birth certificate as the mother and is now legally responsible for the child.

This is one of the first publicized stories of Surrogacy going wrong and I feel sure there will be more.  As a writer, our hope is to provide a forum in which pros and cons can be considered, especially when children are involved.

The Surrogates by Consuella Harris is a book that gives you a look at what could happen.  I hope you enjoy the story which follows the lives of three Surrogates, five adopting families, the five children and a mystery that will keep you guessing.

The Surrogates


Moments of Contemplation

After years of researching and writing about Surrogate parenting I find myself thinking about a boy who for all intents and purposes has no mother.  His parents solicited and contracted with a Surrogate Mother, but when the prospective adoptive parents’ marriage failed, the mother walked away.  The Surrogate who in good faith contracted with this couple to provide this life giving service, finds herself the mother of record on the birth certificate.  She is also, according to reports liable for child support.  The mother, Sherri Shepherd who arranged and contracted for this baby decided to walk away from the child.

There are many marriages that unfortunately fail, however, seldom do the mothers walk away.  I don’t know the father’s side of all this, whether or not he’s using the baby as a way to blackmail Sherri to support him for the rest of the child’s life.  I only know that the innocent child had nothing to do with the parent’s problems.  The baby deserves to be wanted, loved and treated as the God giving gift that he is.

Lastly, the father is not the first single parent and he should be responsible enough to work and support his child.  The Surrogate Mother should not be held responsible for the financial support of this child.  My prayers are with this little boy and I hope this situation will be resolved happily for all involved.

While this is a sad situation, I hope that it is cautionary warning for prospective couples who wish to use a Surrogate Mother and women willing to become surrogates.  The decision to have a child through a surrogate should be considered long and hard with thought given to potential situations that could occur.  This is not the first, nor, do I believe the last time that a well-meaning surrogate mother has been left ‘holding the bag.’

The Surrogates is a fictional story that follows the lives of three women who become Surrogate Mothers.  After bearing five children who are adopted, years later, their lives are changed forever as a result of tragic situations they couldn’t anticipate.  Ultimately, as a result of the murder of two of the principals with the Lake Shore Parenting Group, the surrogates, children and adopted parents become embroiled in a murder investigation that threaten their lives forever.The-Surrogates-3d

The Surrogates

Today we see businesses advertising for Surrogates, it’s becoming a booming business.  It sounds simple, a woman agrees to carry a baby for a couple and walk away, paid for her services.  Is it that simple?  The Surrogates by Consuella Harris gives you an opportunity to explore the lives of three women who decided to become Surrogates and decades later become immersed in unforeseen tragedies encountered by the children and a murder investigation involving two principals of the Surrogate Agency.

Consuella Harris

The Surrogates, http://consuellaharris.com.

Thought for Today

When I wrote The Surrogates, it was with concern for the children who would be born through Surrogates.  I feared that some of the prospective parents wouldn’t give enough thought to this monumental decision as it affectedThe-Surrogates-3dphoto-1.jpg the children.  In real life one couple, Sherri Shepherd and her husband decided to have a child through a Surrogate, paid according to websites $100,00 used the surrogate’s eggs and the husband’s sperm.  Ultimately after a divorce, Sherri has decided that she wants no part of the child.  Who is the mother?  This child will ultimately be affected by the decisions.

The Surrogates by Consuella Harris


Thoughts from a New Author – The Surrogates, Consuella Harris

After a forty-year career, graduate school, divorced mother of one, nothing has been more difficult than the art of writing.  In spite of the difficulty, the desire to write is an ongoing obsession, you must put your thoughts and ideas on paper.  Writing is an isolated process until it is completed and along comes the Agent, Editor and Publisher.  As a new writer, you think the work is done, now the pros will take it from there.  However, the reality is that the writer’s work has just begun, it’s time to learn about marketing and promoting the work.  A select few will become Best Seller Authors, but, in spite of the odds a writer must write.  It’s not an easy profession, but, if your calling is to be a Writer, in spite of the odds you have to keep writing and enjoy the process.


A couple deciding to hire a Surrogate — Read the Surrogates, Consuella Harris

Excerpt from The Surrogates:

“For twelve long years, he abided by Karen’s rules.  She loved what marriage did for her image.  The papers recorded their vacations and activities as though they were celebrities.  Last year without warning, Karen made new demands.

“Matt, I’ve decided it’s time to have a child, I’m forty-two and Daddy isn’t getting any younger.”

Long ago, he’d become devoid of feelings for Karen, Matt asked flatly, “Miss Princess, how do you plan to achieve this through Immaculate Conception?”

Totally ignoring the remark, in a sarcastic tone she said, “I’ve decided to hire a surrogate mother and have the child conceived through artificial insemination.  Now is the time to do this, I find I’m getting tired of you and our little farce.  I’ve fallen in love with someone and you have become an inconvenience.”

Read more to learn about this couple in The Surrogates, http://consuellaharris.comThe-Surrogates-3d.